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   30 years of teaching 1000s of students

 using the constructs of yoga and meditation

for self care, wisdom, love and easeful living.


Who am I and why work with me.


My love and practice of meditation and

yoga began in 1992 while I was managing a

New York City bookstore.

I was a size 2, type A personality,

always on the go;anxiety was my

middle name.


I fell into meditation accidentally and

I never looked back.

Meditation and yoga were what I needed to feel stronger inside and out and more balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Yoga was a natural fit because I loved moving my body, i.e. ballet,

ice skating, exercise classes, skiing, hiking, pilates, golf, etc.

I love learning and yoga requires study and focus.


Yoga philosophy gave me a wise and compassionate lens to see myself, others and life as a whole.  


Yoga and meditation invites stillness,

something that was foreign to me

but is amazingly nourishing.


I opened my yoga studio Body of Light in Millburn NJ in 2000.

Since then I have helped hundreds of people, young and old, all shapes and sizes, all with different activity levels and diverse challenges.

Including Chair Yoga  and Balance Balance classes for seniors.


My studio “Body of Light” was selected as “one of the top five studios

in New Jersey in 2005.”   NJ LIFE


I have had my share of pain, injuries, anxiety and heartbreak. In 2008 

I began studying  yoga and meditation as paths towards understanding my body and my unconscious habits that kept me from complete well-being.  


I’ve practiced and studied Pilates, Somatics, Adaptive Yoga, Breathing techniques, Restorative Yoga, Thai Bodywork, and Balance for seniors. These modalities enrich my method when working with clients.


Other things you might want to know about me:


I have a BA in French and I lived in Montpellier, France for a year. An explorer at heart, I have traveled extensively in the US and beyond, developing an appreciation for different terrain, cultures and foods.


I am a 4th generation entrepreneur following in the footsteps of my great grandmother, maternal grandparents and my father and mother.


I spent 16 years as a retail manager focusing on restructuring entrepreneurial companies who were ready to expand into a larger business phase.



E-RYT 500 - Registered 500 hour Yoga Alliance Teacher

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

Registered Yoga Therapist IAYT




1999 - 300 hour Kripalu style Yoga Teacher Training

2001 - Erich Shiffman Yoga Teacher Training

2002 - Rodney Yee Yoga Teacher Training

2002 - Maty EzratyYoga Teacher Training

2002 - RYS 200 - Registered 200 hr Yoga School with Yoga Alliance 

2004 - Thai Yoga Bodywork Levels 1 & 2

2004 - IAM Meditation Training (India)

2005 - Licensed Anusara Inspired Teacher

2008 - John Friend - Anusara Yoga Level One  Teacher Training

2008 - John Friend - Ansuara Yoga Level Two Teacher Training

2008 - Anusara Yoga Therapuetics Teacher Training with John Friend

2009 - Advanced Anusara Yoga Therapeutics Teacher Training with John Friend

2010 - Chakra Training with Anodea Judith

2010 - Seane Corn Yoga Teacher Training

2011 - Adaptive Yoga with Mathew Sanford

2012 - E-RYT 500 Experienced Registered 500 hour Yoga Teacher 

2012 - RYS 500- Registered 500 hour yoga school with Yoga Alliance

2013- Arthritis Foundation 


Meditation:  Since 1994 


My meditation teachers include Mother Meera, Gurumayi and my most beloved teacher Ammachi who I go on retreat with 3 times a year. 


I spent from 2004 - 2014 studying with Sally Kemptom

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