D e b K u r i l l a
Yoga for Healthy Aging
My approach works best for the 55 - 60 + year olds who want to recharge and maintain whole body wellbeing so as to enjoy their lives well past their 80's. The time to begin is now
You know how it is, you get out of bed ready
to tackle the day but notice that you feel stiff.
Or perhaps you notice a chronic ache or pain is now limiting how you move through normal activities or errands.
In fact, it’s beginning to dampen your spirit.
At first it’s not that noticeable but over time
it’s been getting you down and preventing you from pursuing
interests , exercise and maybe even socializing and entertainment.
Is it possible to feel that youthfulness
and freedom in your body again?
If you would like to move through your day with a lot more freedom and joy, and a lot less stress and discomfort or pain, you are in the right place.
You can feel consistently better and more like yourself again,
no matter the challenge.
How do you get started?
Click here to go to my offerings page.
You may be wondering if my approach can really help you, click on to our “is this you” page to find out who benefits from our approach.