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Chair Yoga Teacher Training

Next local

training coming March 2020 


This Program would be a great fit if

You are a yoga teacher looking to expand your reach 

and attract more clients.


You are a yoga teacher concerned about teaching people 

with  health challenges and want a yoga system that

will keep them safe and healthy.


You love working with seniors and need a certification 

to teach in Independent or Assisted Living Locations.


 You are an Occupational Therapist or a Physical Therapist and want to incorporate therapeutic yoga and yoga breathing practices

as an option for your clients. 


Or as an OT or PT, you want to teach therapeutic group classes. 


You’re a MSW needing another tool to help clients release stress

by moving and connecting to their body.


Or as an MSW you want to teach clients somatic exercises like yogic breathing and meditation.


You are a home health aide wanting to help a client or their families breathe, move and feel better.

Why teach Chair Yoga?

Chair Yoga can be adapted for anyone whether they are office bound or wheel chair bound. 


(I have taught chair yoga to seniors (80 & 90 year olds) for over

16 years, not only does it still give me joy to lead classes,

it has given me a broader vision of what yoga truly is and it really is for anyone).


It's a fun, healthy & effective way to refocus and calm kids in school.


Sometimes a chair is needed for a more slow and therapeutic approach with a private client.


Chair yoga is great for hospitals where the balance, strength and stress relief benefits are perfect with people with health challenges, i.e.  cancer, parkinsons, stroke, sciatica, RA, stenosis and more.


Some of our certified teachers use this for friends who are facing life challenges.

March 20, 21& 22

Friday - 6:00 - 8:30

Saturday and Sunday

10:00 AM - 4:30 PM 

New Hope, PA


($290 register before 3/13)

includes lunch




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What to expect from this training

Earn a certificate that expands your client base and income in a growing industry.


Build 2 full spectrum chair yoga classes that will leave your students feeling great from head to toe every class.


Weave 8 essential elements to enhance your students’ learning and add value to your classes. 


Illustrate postural principles for students to apply in all poses for more freedom and better balance.


Incorporate the one element that will engage  your students from beginning to end and will give the entire class a profound sense of harmony.


Customize chair yoga as a tool for one-on-one sessions or.  populations with challenges - Stroke, Parkinson's, stenosis, Arthritis, Seniors


Teach 3 simple meditations that your clients will find accessible and enjoyable.


Expand your reach - Chair Yoga and its many benefits can be offered to ALL populations in all communities.

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